Fostering Community in a Digital Workplace
March 5, 2021
Five Tips for Shaping Your Thought Leadership Strategy
March 24, 2021
I’m incredibly fortunate to be surrounded by amazing women. As the president of a predominately female organization, I’m often asked how our team was built. The answer: I hire the best people I can find. It’s that simple.
Corporate Ink’s differentiator is our team. We’ve built a people-first culture that delivers incredible impact and value for our clients.
In honor of International Women’s Day, I asked my team to reflect and share what drives and inspires them. Check out a few of their stories below.
What women do you admire most – and why?
- “I admire the women who seem to do it all, like my mom. A mother of three, a small business owner, an active contributor to her community, a cancer fighter and so much more! Women like her make me wonder if they’re allotted more hours in the day.” – Tori Vichroski, Account Manager
- “Maybe it’s recency bias, but I’ve realized over the past year how much RBG has done for women. Her quote, ‘women belong in all places where decisions are being made,’ reminds me of the value and benefit of having women voices in leadership and the progress we still need to make to reach that goal.” – Elle Lynott, Assistant Account Executive
- “My grandmother and my mom. They worked their entire lives to, as they say, ‘always paddle their own canoe.’ They have never relied on anybody but themselves and their hard work. I think a lot of my drive comes from having them as role models, and for that I am forever grateful.” – Lane Kearney, Account Coordinator
What is one piece of advice for aspiring female PR and marketing professionals?
- “My favorite piece of advice for aspiring professionals is ‘if you don’t ask, it will always be a no.’ Speak up if you have an idea, advocate for yourself on the promotion, ask for the vacation time – know your value and your worth!” – Tori Vichroski, Account Manager
- “Absorb and learn as much as you can about all aspects of marketing early on in your career. Build that foundation and keep building onto it to take you through your career.” – Abbie Holmes, Account Director
- “Find a mentor. Find somebody you feel comfortable going to with any problem or question and you know won’t judge you but will only uplift you, teach you, and aid your professional and personal growth.” – Abbey Fletcher, Assistant Account Executive
- “Speak your mind, be bold and never stop working towards your goals.” – Emma Nadeau, Senior Content Specialist
The theme for International Women’s Day is #ChooseToChallenge. What do you choose to challenge – in society, or across PR and marketing?
- “I choose to challenge the societal pressure on women to live a ‘typical’ life or doing what they are ‘supposed’ to do. Whatever path you choose is the best for you whether others approve or not. As long as you are happy, you can be confident you’ve made the right choice.” – Gaby Madigan, Assistant Account Executive
- “I choose to challenge limiting doubt and labels that can hold us back.” – Elle Lynott, Assistant Account Executive
What drives you personally and professionally – what is your why?
- “It is my passion to inspire and help my colleagues to succeed. I was fortunate to have wonderful mentors when I started my career, so I always strive to pay it forward.” – Chrissy Azevedo, Account Director
- “My parents both had successful careers in business, and it’s always been an inspiration to me since before I can even fully remember. I always knew I wanted to follow in their footsteps and cultivate my own career.” – Gaby Madigan, Assistant Account Executive
What does International Women’s Day mean to you?
- “International Women’s Day is a chance for us to reflect upon the great achievements that women before us made to get to where we are today; and to acknowledge what women today can do to continue to break the barriers that still remain.” – Chrissy Azevedo, Account Director
- “International Women’s Day serves as a reminder to keep empowering young women to follow their passions and break through glass ceilings. The more women that young girls have to look up to, the more that they will believe it is possible for them to achieve those things themselves, and more!” – Lane Kearney, Account Coordinator
How can others help contribute to the empowerment of the women they work with?
- “Be kind, lift each other up, and celebrate differences.” – Abbie Holmes, Account Director
- “Give them the opportunity to kick butt!” – Emma Nadeau, Senior Content Specialist
- “People flourish when they feel understood and accepted, and you don’t always know what somebody has going on outside of the office. So, just be nice and don’t be afraid to be your coworkers’ friend.” – Abbey Fletcher, Assistant Account Executive
If you’re interested in learning more about Corporate Ink’s people-first culture and joining our powerful and female-filled team, visit here today.